My first place of employment was at a Red Barn burger joint. And my task for the whole first month I worked there was to shovel salt-laden, greasy-ass french fries into paper envelopes. I said it sucked, what did you expect? :P
I did actually manage to save some money, but minimum wage back then was under $2.00 an hour, and I worked A LOT to save that money.
One day I decided to go shopping for school clothes. My mother gave me some cash -what she thought was appropriate to buy clothes for school. I went into this one totally kewl boutique, and immediately spotted an ankle-length purple velvet coat that was hung on display, up by the ceiling. I got the sales person to bring it down and I tried it on. It fit me PERFECTLY, and I totally fell in love with that thing. but it was a lot of money. mind you, I had the money, but to get that coat would've cost me everything I had saved and my mom's money, too.
I left the store without the coat.
And I went home and thought and thought about the coat. When I slept I dreamt about the coat. After a couple days how much I wanted that coat had only grown...and so I decided to go on ahead and spend all my money on it.
I went into the store and the coat was no longer hanging in its place by the ceiling. So I asked the sales person where she'd put it. And she told me that she'd sold it within an hour after I left the store. :( :( :( I never forgot the feelings associated with this experience, and 40 years later, if I recognize the "purple coat feeling" I will buy an item -even if stretches me financially.
Yesterday Mark showed me an ad on Craigslist for an affordable 8x10 camera... here it is:

and??? I thought all day at work about that damn camera...I came home and thought about it some more, and when I went to sleep, I dreamt about that camera... and so guess what? IT IS NOW MINE!
It's not a perfect object -there's a small hole in the bellows and it's a bit wobbly. but I already figured out how to stabilize the wiggle, and can make that stabilizing device in less than a day. and I can patch the hole in the bellows. plus, I can use my Schneider Kreutznach lens on there, so it's all good. AND, he threw in a couple of film holders, so I don't have to order them extra from ebay.
all told, this is a great deal, and the sassiness of my pix doesn't rely on having perfect gear anyway.