Sunday, June 19, 2011

student work - Mark Montoya

Mark is just amazing. He loves gadgetry & science, so he brought a lot to the table in terms of technical know-how and experimentation that I just loved. Part of the fun of watching him work, was seeing how he would torture himself for the next assignment. After having him in class for a year I finally said to him, "you know Mark, there is an 'excruciating' quality to everything you do...and something really clinical about your images."

On the last day of class he told me that he considered it his task for the next year to do work that wasn't excruciating, but I already know he can't do it. :P

Anyhow, if I had to choose my favorite pix of his, it would probably be his water-drops series. He built a machine that dropped the water and that was synchronized to the shutter release on the camera. Here is how they came out:

one of the kewl things we he noticed about the above image is how the mini-eye in the smaller drop is right-side up.

Friday, June 17, 2011

student work - Jessica Stirling

I decided it would be nice to post my favorite student work here...maybe for the next week or so.

These are my favorite images of the quarter. They were created by Jessica Stirling. the black dots in them are where she burnt the film with a lighter. They are also sepia toned.
